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Reinforcement Learning
學生透過此課程可利用AWS 雲端供應商提供的線上 3D 賽車模擬器,學習機器學習的基礎知識,訓練強化學習模型以驅動1/18 比例的自動駕駛賽車,使自動駕駛賽車能使用攝影機查看賽道和強化模型以控制油門和轉向,成功自行在賽道上行走。
During the course, students will use an online 3D racing simulator provided by AWS, a cloud provider, to learn the basics of machine learning. They will train a reinforcement learning model to drive a 1/18th scale self-driving car.
Throughout the process, students will need to continuously modify the reward function based on the performance and results of each race. This will enable the autonomous car to successfully complete the track at high speed. Such an exercise will also help students develop their problem-solving skills.
Past Events
「AI挑戰 x 斜坡安全 — AI應用工作坊及比賽」總決賽暨頒獎典禮

「AI挑戰 x 斜坡安全 — AI應用工作坊及比賽」總決賽暨頒獎典禮
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AWS DeepRacer 500人線上學習人工智能-強化學習活動
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思考香港_數碼港協辦AWS DeepRacer 學界盃 助學生掌握人工智能機器編程
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