iREd 很榮幸參與這次盛會,並攜手香港資優教育學苑學員代表,共同展示創新科技在教育領域的應用成果,獲得現場熱烈反響。
iREd was honored to join this grand event, collaborating with representatives from the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) to showcase the innovative applications of technology in education, which received enthusiastic feedback from the attendees.
During this Biennial Conference, we invited HKAGE student representatives to present their innovative programs on-site and share their creative journey from concept to implementation. Utilizing skills acquired through STEM and AI education, these students developed practical applications that address daily challenges, demonstrating how technology education empowers students to surpass their limits.
另一焦點展示是我們Smart Learning Suite 的Sport Kit。成功吸引眾多參與者駐足體驗,尤其是結合運動產品與程式設計的互動環節更成為亮點。透過智能跳繩系統和心率監測帶,參與者能即時感受科技如何提升傳統運動的趣味性與效率,應用程式能記錄跳繩次數及心率變化,並通過圖表了解自己的運動狀態,對這項技術對身體數據的幫助表示驚喜。讓現場參與者親身體驗科技與教育結合的可能性。
Another showcase highlight was the Smart Learning Suite’s Sport Kit, which drew significant participant interest. The interactive features, combining sports equipment with programming, became a focal point of attention. The Smart Jump Rope and Heart Rate Monitoring offered participants a firsthand experience of how technology enhances traditional sports. The app tracks jump counts and heart rate fluctuations, presenting data in intuitive charts that allow users to understand their physical performance better. Many participants were amazed by how these innovations could provide actionable insights into their fitness data.